‘Don… Don Don Don… Goal!’ By Ooredoo


Date(s) – 28-12-2019 – 29-12-2019
All Day


‘Don… Don Don Don… Goal!’ By Ooredoo

Don… Don Don Don… Goal!’ ⚽⚽⚽
We’re bringing ‘Don Don Don’ to Myanmar Plaza!
Play our fun activities and win exciting prizes this weekend.
On 28th & 29th of December, there will be real-life penalty shootout and a ‘Don Don Don’ dance activity where you could win an iPhone X. 😮😮😮
You’ll just need to do our dance then upload and share your video on Facebook and Tiktok with #အူရီဒူးဒုန်းဒုန်းဒုန်း #OoredooDonDonDon. 🎁🎁🎁 The event will run from 11am to 9pm on both days. Come and score some awesome prizes!