Emergency aid is desperately needed for Rakhine State following Cyclone Mocha’s devastation in the region.
Due to Cyclone Mocha, which hit in May, some areas in Rakhine State experienced massive damage. As a good deed by Myanmar Plaza and it’s customers, we donated to Shwe Yaung Metta Social Aid Society from Sittwe, Rakhine State which is currently helping for rehabilitation of the affected areas.
We are sharing this current conditions for those who want to donate for Rakhine State .
May the Rakhine people recover from their losses as soon as possible.
“We Care, We Share” by Myanmar Plaza is pleased to be able to help repair shelters for those who had to seek shelter in other people’s homes once the rains were falling.
Recently, some households have been damaged due to the heavy rain and wind in (108) Ward, East Dagon Township. Today, we went there to donate 150,000 kyats each for (10) households which need urgent repair.
“We Care, We Share” is overjoyed to be able to give those in need a safe place to live.
May pain and suffering be released as a result of this goodness.
As a good deed by Myanmar Plaza and its customers, 8,000,000 MMk in cash was donated to the residents of Rakhine State who were devastated by the storm.
Myanmar Plaza, an international shopping center developed and run by HAGL Myanmar Company Limited, handed eight million kyats (8,000,000) today (May 29th) to Shwe Yaung Metta Social Aid Society in Sittwe, Rakhine State, for the rehabilitation of the areas affected by Cyclone Mocha in that region.
We are praying for the Rakhine people to recover from their losses as soon as possible.
In a touching act of kindness, the “We Care, We Share” charity gave 30 hospital patients who were having financial difficulties a life-saving donation of 100,000 kyats, purified water packs, and soymilk drinks.
Donations are given to people who were in hospitals but couldn’t pay their medical expenses, as well as people with chronic illnesses and women who had recently given birth.
Additionally, We Care, We Share gave soymilk drink packs and purified drinking water packs as dietary offerings to other patients receiving treatment at the hospital during the hot season.
May pains and sufferings be released as a result of this goodness.
There are many children in our surroundings who are living their lives aimlessly on the streets, scavenging for plastics or garbage and soliciting charitable donations.
Moreover, there are children who have been separated from their parents due to various circumstances.
For those who are orphaned, a shelter can provide them with a loving home.Such a place can help to cultivate positive character traits and moral values in children, while also providing guidance to help them navigate the path towards a fulfilling life..
“Ebenezer Compassion and Care” center located in Tawnte Township is dedicated to supporting and nurturing underprivileged children, and has received a donation from We Care We Share.
With the objective of “helping each other”, we, as Myanmar Plaza, have implemented a program called “We care, We Share”. In order to support those in need of food during these struggling times, we donated bags of rice and cooking oil to 300 struggling households in East Dagon Township (14) Ward, Yangon Region on November 18th. We feel very blessed to have been able to make this donation and plan on making more donations in the near future.